
Special Scholarship

Education for Medical Professionals and Japanese National Licenses (*)

1.Department of Nursing

Certificate:看護師/Certified Nurse(*)

Certificate:保健師/Public Health Nurse(*)

2.Department of Physical Therapy:
Recovery of physical/body function and functional training.

Certificate:理学療法士/Physical Therapist(*)

3.Department of Occupational Therapy
Capability of applicable working function or recovery of ability for social applicability is aimed. Therapy is applied for rehabilitation for dementia.

Certificate:作業療法士/Occupational Therapist(*)

4.Department of Speech and Hearing Science
Aphasia, Functional recovery and maintenance of difficulty in hearing difficulty in voice or speaking, retardation of language development, dysphagia, etc.

Certificate:言語聴覚士/Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist(*)

5.Department of Orthoptics
Medical test less impact to body at ophthalmology. Training to recover function of both eyes' visions will be given.


6.Department of Radiological Science
Conducting medical test and treatment using radiation. Equipment include X rays, CT, MRI, ultrasonic diagnostic equipment.

Certificate:診療放射線技師/Radiological technologist(*)

7.Department of Pharmaceutical Science


8.Department of Medical Technology and Sciences
Various medical tests of blood, urine, feces and tissue slices, gene analysis for accurate diagnosis using ultrasonic, MRI and other latest equipment.

Certificate:臨床検査技師/Clinical technologist(*)

9.Department of Social Service and Healthcare Management

-Social Service Course

Certificate:社会福祉士/Certified Social Worker(*)

Certificate:精神保健福祉士/Psychiatric Social Worker(*)

Certificate:介護福祉士/Certified Care Worker(*)

-Management Course
Training specialists in health and welfare management, accurately analyzing and utilizing IT information and data for Information management and Clinical Management.

診療情報管理士/Information management

医療経営スタッフ/Clinical Management

(*) Indicates certified expert with Japanese National License.